As we enter the spring and summer fundraising season for many non-profits, I had a super discussion with The Gala Team‘s President Reggie Rivers about the importance of sharing a compelling video story at events. Drawing the curtain to the side and giving people an inside look into the work that you do and the people you assist is vital! I always tell clients.. yes, you need to tell people what you do… but more importantly why you do it! A well told video story will educate others, engage them and inspire them to support your work.

It's not WHAT you do; It's WHY you do it!

The single most engaging question you can answer during your mission video is the "why" of the work you do. Join us at 2 pm MST on Wednesday March 10 as Kyle Dyer of Kyle Dyer Storytelling, explains how she listens closely until she hears the "why" and then makes it the centerpiece of her story and builds everything else around it. Join us to learn how to make your mission videos more more emotional, more engaging, and more effective.

Posted by The Gala Team on Wednesday, March 10, 2021

If you would like to create a video story that unveils the work you do on a daily basis and discovers the heart of your organization, let’s connect! My email is